Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Urban Trapping

The weather is changing and its getting cold again here in the south. Animals are making their way into homes and attics as usual. They feel that warm air coming out of our attics through cracks and crevices and make their way in! So far this week we have had calls for squirrels, snakes, rats, oppossums, and raccoons, and its only Tuesday!

Working in Baton Rouge recently I had this job where a homeowner had blocked out a mother squirrel while locking in one of the babies. Yeah, that's a big no-no. This job was awkward to price and complete, since the homeowner had already bungled everything. Now they must replace the woodwork and modify the new unit to prevent a future occurance. The old one could've been used if the trapping would've been done correctly, instead the mother started chewing all over the woodwork to get to her young. Some of them were trapped by the homeowner, the mother just dissappeared. I installed traps to remove them however at this point, the female probably moved on. She will probably be back next year to chew on the new woodwork, since they were not removed from the area. People do not always understand the need to hire a pro, and it's even harder for a pro to convince some people that they did it wrong when all they see is that they trapped a squirrel and removed it, after all isnt that what I wouldve done? I say no, I wouldve trapped the whole family unit of squirrels, not just a baby and a male. A family of squirrels typically consists of a female and two males - then the young, however many that might be.
This is also the time of year when we start seeing dead animals in attics and such. Pest Control companies toss poisons into attics and walk away. The smells get teh phone ringing and we are off to find the cuplrit. The nose knows and we eventually find out where all the stink is coming from. If you have a rat problem, don't just toss out poison. Lethally trap and remove them.
Parker Wildlife Control can control your rat population and diminish it most of the time. If you have strucural problems, be prepared to fix them or continually deal with the infestation.
If you have any questions about New Orleans wildlife or nuisance wildlife control in the area give me a call (504) 338-7517. I am always willing to talk about what I love doing.

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